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What happens if I overstay my ESTA or Visa in the U.S.?

Updated: Feb 14, 2024  | Tags: ESTA Rules, ESTA Denied

A visit to the U.S., whether for tourism, business, or transit, requires adherence to specific immigration rules. Overstaying an ESTA or a visa can lead to serious consequences, including deportation. This article delves into the process followed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in deporting individuals who have overstayed their authorized period.

The Basics of ESTA and Visa Overstay

The U.S. Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) allows citizens of 42 countries to travel to the U.S. for business or tourism for up to 90 days without a visa. However, just like with visa holders, ESTA travelers must depart the U.S. before or at the expiration of this 90-day period. Overstaying this period, whether on an ESTA or visa, is considered a violation of U.S. immigration laws.

Detection of Overstays

When a traveler enters the U.S., CBP records their arrival as part of the I-94 Arrival/Departure Record. This system tracks when travelers enter and when they leave the U.S. If a traveler does not leave by the date authorized by their ESTA or visa, they are considered an "overstay".

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) routinely generates a report on visa overstays, including those who overstayed their ESTA authorization. This report helps identify individuals who have violated their terms of admission.

The Deportation Process

When an individual is identified as an overstay, they can face removal or deportation proceedings. Here's what typically happens:

[1] Investigation and Apprehension

Upon identifying a potential overstay, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a branch of DHS, may carry out an investigation. If the individual is located, ICE agents can detain them and initiate removal proceedings.

[2] Notice to Appear (NTA)

ICE will issue a Notice to Appear (NTA), which is the official document that starts the removal proceedings. The NTA outlines the reasons why the U.S. government believes the individual should be removed from the country.

[3] Immigration Court Proceedings

The overstay case is then heard by an immigration judge. The individual has the right to legal representation, though not at the government's expense. The judge reviews the case, listens to the arguments, and makes a determination on removal.

[4] Removal Order

If the judge orders removal, the individual must leave the U.S. ICE is responsible for enforcing removal orders and ensuring that the individual departs.

Consequences of Overstaying

Beyond deportation, overstaying an ESTA or visa can lead to serious, long-term consequences, including:

[A] Inadmissibility in the Future

Overstays of more than 180 days can lead to a three-year or ten-year bar from reentering the U.S., depending on the length of the overstay. Overstays of a year or more can result in a permanent ban.

[B] Visa Denials

Even short overstays can lead to future visa applications being denied, as the overstay is recorded and can be considered in future immigration decisions.

[C] ESTA Revocation

Overstaying an ESTA authorization typically results in the ESTA being revoked, requiring the individual to apply for a visa for future visits to the U.S.

Avoiding Overstay Situations

To avoid finding yourself in an overstay situation, be aware of the terms of your admission to the U.S., and make plans to depart on time. If unexpected circumstances arise that might delay your departure, contact U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or an immigration attorney to explore potential options.


Overstaying your ESTA or visa in the U.S. is a serious matter that can lead to deportation and future inadmissibility. Travelers must ensure they understand the conditions of their stay and abide by them. By respecting U.S. immigration laws, you can enjoy your visit and leave with pleasant memories, rather than facing the ordeal of deportation proceedings.